~~~~~~~~~The sun has devoured ~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~ everything,~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~
~~~~~~~~except these drills~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~that throb ~~~~
~~~~in the cracked earth, buzzing like a flame~~~
~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~
~~~~Crushing and grinding,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~ with the rhythm ~~~~ of hot fists ~~~~ falling from~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ the sky.~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~ Crushing and grinding,~~~~~~~~ ~~~
~~ it feels like a dance~~ of this Earth~~~
~~~ soil with a migraine.~~
~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~

~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~My waves,~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~
~~~~~warm muscles ~~~~~~ arms now weary,~~~~
~~ ~~~~~~ ~~turned~~~~~ into saliva.~~~~
~ ~~~With~~~~~ this~~~~ blanket~~~~~~~~
~~~~I clothe~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ myself~~~
~~~~~in winter~~~~and the fever lifts me~~~~
~~~~~~~~~towards the warmth.~~ ~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~ It distorts~~~the lines,~~~and the fabric forms
new folds~~~~~in this house~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~of water~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~
~~~where~~~~no one lives anymore.
~~~~~~Inside me, no ~~~one~~~ walks,~~
~~~~~~and necton and~~~plankton~~~
~~~~~~~no longer~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~tickle me,~~~. ~~~~~
~~ ~~ and I ~~~~ ~~
~~~~under the sun~~~~~~~
~~~burn dead. ~~~~~~

~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~Sweat~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~ still,~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~like a beast~~~~~~ in its lair~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~awaits the command~~~ ~~~~
~~~~~of those~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
~~~who live under the sun.~~~ ~~~~
~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~ ~~~~~If everything burns,~~~~ ~~~
~~~~~~~~~even my waves burn~~~ ~~~~~
~~~~and my forehead ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sweats mucilage.
~~~~~If everything burns,~~~~~even the iron
~~~~of scaffolding changes temperature,~~
~~~but does not~~~ ~~~~~sweat.~~~
~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~
~~~If everything burns ~~ ~~~
~~~~~~~~ and armpits~~~~
~~~are the first signs~~~~ ~~
~~~of the animal~~roaming
~~ the body~~~~~~~
~~~ in the form of tears~~
~~that taste of salt,~~~
~~that are mine~~